Shooter by Walter Dean Myers

Posted: March 9, 2008 in Books reviewed in 2008, Frances Prose, Realistic, Todd Strasser, Walter Dean Myers
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Shooter is a tragic and compelling story about a shooting at a suburban high school that occurs because of bullying. The perpetrator’s best friend, Cameron, an affluent African-American teen, tells the story. As the story begins, Cameron is center in the police investigation but as the story progresses, the shocking truth is revealed through a variety of documents: first-person accounts, police reports, doctor notes, and a handwritten diary. This story challenges its readers to think about how they handle and react to difficult situations. Because of its subject matter and structure, Shooter will definitely find an audience among reluctant readers and mental health professionals. Because this book contains some elements of violence, self-afflicted and towards animals, this book is most suitable for mature readers. If you like this book, then check out Todd Strasser’s Give a boy a gun and Frances Prose’s After.


  1. Steph says:

    this is a book that everyhe academic field should read. it looks at the type of student that is involved in this. it made me angry reading this book because so much could have prevented it.

  2. […] … of documents: first-person accounts, police reports, doctor notes, and a handwritten diary. … Audio Books: Shooter – Walter Dean Myers CDHow do I view more information on or purchase […]

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